属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-细菌和行为学 肠道反应
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜣螂如何导航 眼里有星辰
1 | 当然,还是有为数众多的封闭式商场生意很好。经历了几年节制消费,购物者们又活跃了起来。根据美国商务部的数据,2月份的零售额同比1月份增加了1.1%——比预期值高,是可喜的复苏迹象。 | Plenty of enclosed malls are, of course, still thriving. And after several abstemious years, shoppers are perking up. In February, according to the Commerce Department, retail sales were 1.1% higher than they had been in January—higher than expected, and a welcome sign of recovery. | |
2 | 一个测试是以封闭和敞开的隧道迷宫为特点。 | One test featured a maze that had both enclosed and open tunnels. | |
3 | 以上这些项目也许比封闭起来做零售更可行。大学和事务所的运营模式不像商店和饭店那样需要依靠客流量。只是要找到新用途需要耗费财力,还要多实践。 | These projects may be more sensible than enclosed retailing. Universities and offices do not depend on passers-by as shops and restaurants do. But turning these spaces to fresh purposes requires some expense and experimentation. | |
4 | 这些蜣螂和它们的粪球都被放在了一个平铺着沙子圆形场地的中央,场地的围墙也没有什么特别之处。 | The beetles and their dung balls were then released in the centre of a circular arena made of flattened sand and enclosed by a featureless circular wall. | |
5 | WHILE-LOOP将一个条件与使用关键字LOOP和ENDLOOP包围的一个语句序列关联在一起,如清单7所示。 | The WHILE-LOOP associates a condition with a sequence of statements enclosed by the keywords LOOP and END LOOP, as shown in Listing 7. | |
6 | 被方框包围的组件特定于LotusSametimeConnect,并包含公共以及特定于实现的插件。 | The components enclosed by the box are specific to Lotus Sametime Connect and include public and implementation-specific plug-ins. | |
7 | 此外,该管道布置可被套管(4)包围。 | The conduit arrangement is enclosed by a jacket tube (4). | |
8 | 但栅栏似的假睫毛圈住的眼波,却暗淡犹疑。 | But the expressions in your eyes enclosed by the fence-like fake eyelashes are flickering dimly. | |
9 | 较小的挖掘或坑窖(smallerexcavationorpits)是被砖墙围住,作为基本的住所。 | Smaller excavation or pits were enclosed by adobe walls and used as primary residences. | |
10 | 平面图是一个由封闭的直线或曲线构成的区域。 | Shape is an area enclosed by lines or curves. | |
11 | 气缸盖和下气缸体围成的空腔内安装有换热器和活塞; | the heat exchanger and the piston are arranged in a cavity enclosed by the cylinder cover and the lower cylinder body; | |
12 | 如果字符串值中包含空格,变量名必须用引号括起来。 | Option must be enclosed by quotation marks if the string value contains spaces. | |
13 | 头发,胡须和触须必须通过限制的方法进行保护(例如,完全密封),除非危害分析没有显示此危害。 | Hair, beards and moustaches shall be protected (i. e. completely enclosed) by restraints unless hazard analysis indicates otherwise. | |
14 | 网页上周围为虚线矩形的空元素 | Empty elements on a page enclosed by dotted rectangles | |
15 | 位置栏包含链接到WSDL文档(这些文档由传递来的WSIL检查文档引用封装起来)的超级链接。 | The location column contains hyperlinks to the WSDL documents that were enclosed by the passed WSIL inspection document reference. | |
16 | 选择环绕活动单元格的当前区域(由空白行和空白列围起的数据区域)。 | Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns). | |
17 | 用玻璃罩罩着的时钟 | a clock enclosed by a glass bell | |
18 | 有建筑物围绕的场地(尤指军营﹑监狱中的)。 | Compound: n (a) area enclosed by buildings, esp in a military camp or a prison camp | |
19 | 有围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群,尤指住宅或居民区。 | Compound: a building or buildings, especially a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier. | |
20 | 于是,计划盖体育馆的区域被摞上了三层集装箱。 | So, the area of the sports hall was enclosed by a wall of containers, stacked three high. | |
21 | 园的四周绕着一道白围墙,相当低,容易越过。 | The garden was enclosed by a tolerably low white wall, easy to climb. | |
22 | 在这些除了岩浆硬化而成的岩石之外一无所有的土地上,房地产经纪人还是以高达1500美元的价格出售小幅地块。 | Real estate brokers sell tiny lots consisting of nothing but lava rocks enclosed by lava walls for as much as $1, 500. | |
23 | 这是很让人高兴的事情,但是你会感觉这像一面墙围住了你,把你给困在中间。 | That’s nice but because it gets really built up around you, it also increases the sense of being enclosed by it, engulfed by it all. | |
24 | 整个装置由真空保温层、磁流体密封器、圆盘状盖封闭,支承于机座上。 | The whole apparatus is enclosed by vacuum insulation layer, magnetic fluid sealer and disc cover and supported on the machine base. | |
25 | 值用单引号或双引号括起来。 | Values are enclosed by single or double quotation marks. |